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A Message from Our Pastor
Sundays are always very special to us at Stoney Ridge Baptist Church. We enjoy getting together for worship and fellowship. Each week God blesses us in new and exciting ways. One of the special pleasures we look forward to every Sunday is the people God leads to worship with us.
A church means many different things to people. Some folks see it as a building. Others see it only as an organization. To some it is only a series of special programs. In simplest terms, Stoney Ridge Baptist Church is people. We are real people with a special relationship. That relationship is not to a building, an organization or a program. It is to a person, and that person is Jesus Christ.
People are important to us because people are important to Him. The secret to the great things that are happening at Stoney Ridge Baptist Church is the presence of Jesus in the hearts of our people. If you are in search of a church home we pray that God will lead you to Stoney Ridge Baptist Church.
Please feel free to contact me at any time if I may be of assistance.
In His Service Together
Pastor Jim Cox
Stoney Ridge Baptist Church
(336) 770-5890